Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Long Time No Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......................

I know , I Know its been really long since I have blogged..and for those who think I have lost the interest to blog  :-P. Needless to say, why such a huge time lag. Apart from been busy with "Academics" I am more busy hanging out with a bunch of friends called the "K-Gang" [ Kannada Gang].

Anyways long story short, since my previous blog I have had spent some wonderful time with the K-Gang, watching movies, munching on some fatty food in restaurants, been for a 3 day long trip to Pensacola and Panama city [ beaches]. Academically, have "successfully" completed my 2nd Semester of MBA :-)

I have a 3 month break before I start my 3rd Semester and in the mean time, I am going for internship for 2 months and planning to spend the between 1 month having some gala time with friends :-)

My be I will have something more interesting to blog once I am in a new city, new place, new people, new job and god knows what else is going to be "NEW"........

For those who think, why I am rushing through this blog : I am "BUSY" @ work ;-)

Ciao...until I have something more interesting to say...

P.S : Thanks to all my friends back in India and in US who have made me get through 1 year of AWAY from HOME and y'all...................
