This may be a controversial topic :-) depending on who is reading it... nevertheless let me make an attempt to convey what I need to tell....
I don't have a lot of friends in my basket or rather I don't a have a lot of "good" friends in my basket....may be because I am too choosy, too difficult to be friends with, too selfish or too straight forward or what my best friend from Engineering ASIMA calls"Complicated" . Whatever the reason may be, though I have a limited set of friends, I am very happy and content! However, here in Baton Rouge I have difficulty in finding people who can sync up with my thought process.... apparently my friends here don't understand what I say...:-)...I had my own doubts about this and had a thought that may be I really don't say things in ways that people can understand....however a week back I chatted with ASIMA after 1.5 years ( We email each other but have never had a live chat)...and we just picked up from where we left as if the time and distance made no difference...and she could get EXACTLY what I intended to say and commented "I have missed chatting with you like this"...there were no bounds to my happiness hearing someone understands what I mean to say and they acknowledged it!!! WOW!!! :-) Now when I see this seems to be true with all my friends I have had for many many years we pick up topics instantaneously and chat away to glory without having any communication gap.....
It makes me we loose tolerance to understand people as we grow older and type cast people according to our convection.....or is it just my personal experience....