PotLuck : A potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people contributes a dish of food to be shared among the group.
We (pri and I) were invited for a Bachelorette Party cum a Potluck at Kirans’ and Jaspreets’ house. Both are doing their PhD’s and Jaspreet is getting married in January 2011. So it was a gathering of all desi’s but all of them expect Pri and I were northies. Initially I was not very comfortable, since my know how about the hostesses were just though Pri. And the other guests were also just the “hi-bye” types. But as minutes passed by, I realized I cannot sit quiet and be so passive! So I stared listening to this conversations; basically full time pass jokes!! Commented on a few and ended up laughing for like 4-5 hours! The dinner was awesome with assortment of food delicacies [though I didn’t get to eat any]. It was 1 AM when things came to an end and people bid adieu.
I did realize it really does not matter if you are in the right company or not, you must get comfortable and enjoy it! Hadn’t I done that, I would have never enjoyed the 4-5 hrs I spent there. In fact I would have cribbed about it all the way long:-P. Also credit goes to the people there who welcomed into their group shared stories their stories and experiences [made sure everyone understood and followed Hindi] and pulled everyone’s leg so no one was left “behind”. All in all a nice experience! :-D
Yes it was “Potluck and Bachelorette Party” that I attended for the 1st time and I am glad it was Desi style ;-)
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